How does life look from the perspective of attention:
from your being-ness?
If you look into attention, you can see:
- It’s unconditional. It accepts everything. It neither pushes away, nor draws anything to itself.
- It’s completely unassuming, makes no demands.
- It is just here, being; completely without judgment. It embraces everything.
- It has no age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation.
- It is still, present, whole, undivided, spacious, and free.
It may even feel like unconditional love.
AND people can feel loved, when we give them our attention. Is it any wonder, when attention itself has the qualities of unconditional acceptance? When we give attention to our feelings, needs and the sensations in our body: that is self-care, self-compassion.
We know when we are giving ourselves or someone else our full attention.
What if you could inhabit your life from the perspective of wholeness: denying neither your human-ness nor your being-ness?
Imagine the possibilities!
Peace begins with recognizing what's always here.
It's never not here.
But what is attention? And why does it matter?
Attention is the "being" aspect of a "human being."
Recognizing attention can allow you to embrace life more fully,
empowering you to live in peace with every step you take.
Attention itself is without content, nonjudgmental, yet intimately embraces all of our humanness.
How does life look from the perspective of your attention?
What happens when
attention isn't glued to the mind, feelings and sensations?
How can you shift from partial attention to full attention for each moment?
How can you open the field of your attention, like widening the lens on your camera?
What's it like to engage with the world from a place of acceptance and connection,
rather than from a subject/object distance?
We can show you why all of this matters
and how you can be peace, for yourself and others.
Let peace begin with you.
It's never not here.
But what is attention? And why does it matter?
Attention is the "being" aspect of a "human being."
Recognizing attention can allow you to embrace life more fully,
empowering you to live in peace with every step you take.
Attention itself is without content, nonjudgmental, yet intimately embraces all of our humanness.
How does life look from the perspective of your attention?
What happens when
attention isn't glued to the mind, feelings and sensations?
How can you shift from partial attention to full attention for each moment?
How can you open the field of your attention, like widening the lens on your camera?
What's it like to engage with the world from a place of acceptance and connection,
rather than from a subject/object distance?
We can show you why all of this matters
and how you can be peace, for yourself and others.
Let peace begin with you.