Open-Hearted, Flexible Attention Impacts Health

Stress and chronic pain have known links. Effective treatments readily crossover from the chronic pain field to address all manifestations of stress, and addressing attention translates to relief in both areas.
In our programs, we invite you to consider how you're paying attention. How you pay attention has a major impact on your health and what you experience in your body.
Most people attend with a narrow, objective focus, which has been likened by researcher and clinician Les Fehmi, PhD to an "emergency mode" of paying attention.
We'll introduce you to a flexible style of attending which will allow you to effortlessly create and sustain shifts toward openness that activate the parasympathetic nervous system, generating ease and wellbeing in the body. Flexible attending also encourages synchronous alpha brain waves - alert but relaxed brain functioning, that optimizes functioning.
Discover what happens when you give attention to attention itself, instead of the objects to which attention gets glued. Discover what happens when you fully experience your personhood, including both your unique humanity and the being aspect of life that is common to all humans. That shift encourages health and wellness - and connection with yourself and others.
In our programs, we invite you to consider how you're paying attention. How you pay attention has a major impact on your health and what you experience in your body.
Most people attend with a narrow, objective focus, which has been likened by researcher and clinician Les Fehmi, PhD to an "emergency mode" of paying attention.
We'll introduce you to a flexible style of attending which will allow you to effortlessly create and sustain shifts toward openness that activate the parasympathetic nervous system, generating ease and wellbeing in the body. Flexible attending also encourages synchronous alpha brain waves - alert but relaxed brain functioning, that optimizes functioning.
Discover what happens when you give attention to attention itself, instead of the objects to which attention gets glued. Discover what happens when you fully experience your personhood, including both your unique humanity and the being aspect of life that is common to all humans. That shift encourages health and wellness - and connection with yourself and others.